Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition which causes pain, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, morning stiffness, headaches, painful menstrual periods, tingling or numbness of hands or feet, and difficulty thinking and remembering. Some people with this condition may also experience irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic pain, restless leg syndrome, and depression. Fibromyalgia is also…
Indiana Social Security Disability Attorney Blog
Presumption of Undue Influence Does Not Apply
In a case of first impression, the Court of Appeals of Indiana on January 19, 2010 held in Compton et al. v. First National Bank of Monterey that because of the 2005 amendment to I.C. 30-5-9-2(b), the common law presumption of undue influence does not apply to a transaction even…
New Judge After Remand in Social Security Disabilty Case?
Many people are surprised to learn that after an Appeals Council remand, the ALJ who will hear the case will be the same ALJ who originally heard the case. ( Hallex I-2-155). There are certain exceptions to the same ALJ rule. These exceptions include a specific direction from the court…
The Benefits of Journaling for Your Disability Case
Social Security Disability process is heavily dependent upon medical records. Those who decide disability case are trained to review, analyze and understand the medical records of a Social Security claimant. Once the records are fully understood, the claim person then makes a determination whether those records prove that the claimant…
What is a Video Hearing in Social Security Disability Case?
As any one knows who has filed a claim for disability benefits, the wait time for a disability hearing can be very long. SSA recognizes that some of its 142 hearing offices across the nation are busier than others. For that reason, it has begun to reassign cases from the…
Disability Hearing Backlog is Improving
Over the last few years, the time for the ODAR (Office of Disability Adjudication and Review) Indianapolis Office to process requests for hearings has been around 2 years. That means that from the time a disabled worker files a request for hearing until the time a decision was made and…
Indiana’s Hearing Offices Rank in the Bottom Third for Processing Time
The National Ranking Report run for the period ending March 8, 2009 showed that out of the 149 Social Security hearing offices in the United States, the Indianapolis hearing office ranked 146 for processing time. The average number of days it took the Indianapolis hearings office to process a request…
Social Security Compassionate Allowances Means Quick Determinations in Some Cases
In October 2008, Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security announced the beginning of a new program named “Compassionate Allowances.” This program is designed to give very quick (in some instances six to eight days) awards of social security disability for claimants whose medical conditions are so severe that their…
Law of the Case Doctrine Applies in Social Security Disability Cases
In a recent case decided by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, the judge held that the “law of the case” doctrine applies in Social Security Disability cases. The law of the case doctrine provides that , in a trial following a reversal and remand, if…
Is There a 12 Month Wait To File SS Disability Claim?
NO! Many disabled workers confuse the 12 month durational requirement with a 12 month wait to file a disability claim. These two concepts are very different. One of the requirements for qualifying for Social Security disability is called the durational requirement. This means that a disability must last 12 months…