With regard to migraine headaches, SSA indicated in Q&A 09-036 that migraines cannot be considered a “medically determinable impairment” solely on a diagnosis in the evidence or on a claimant’s reported symptoms. SSA requires that there must be clinical signs or laboratory findings to support a finding of migraine headaches.…
Indiana Social Security Disability Attorney Blog
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Social Security Disability
While reflex sympathetic dystrophy is not a listed impairment under the Listings of Impairments, SSA recognizes that it could be a condition that may result in disability. Social Security Ruling 03-02p suggests that reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a chronic pain syndrome most often resulting from trauma to a single extremity.…
SSA Changes Rules for Filing A Subsequent Application
Effective July 28, 2011, the Social Security Administration changed its policy regarding the filing of subsequent applications for disability benefits. In 1999, SSA had in place a procedure which allowed for the filing of a new application for Social Security Disability benefits even though a prior application was on file.…
Indiana Has New No Text Law
Effective July 1, 2011, people are not allowed to use phone or pager or personal digital assitn to text, email or read texts or emails while driving. An exception to the law permits texting and emailing or reading texts or emails if “used in conjunction with hands free or voice…
Death of a Disability Claimant
It does happen that a disability claimant dies before the appeal has been completed. In that case, if the claim is for Title II benefits, the surviving spouse of the claimant may claim the benefits due to the claimant up to the month of the date of death of the…
When Is Best Time To File for Social Security Disability Benefits?
The simple answer is that when you are no longer working due to medical condition which you expect to last in excess of 2 months, you should file immediately. There is a “durational” component to disability claims. What that means is that in order to qualify for disability benefits, the…
Multiple Sclerosis, Fatigue and SSA
For those patients who have multiple sclerosis, fatigue is a common, if not predominate, symptom. As they know, fatigue is not the same thing as tiredness. Tiredness can be taken care of with rest or sleep. Fatigue on the other hand is really a lack of energy. The feeling or…
Indiana Supreme Court Creates Resolves Confusion in Sport Cases
On May 18, 2011, the Indiana Supreme Court resolved the confusion surrounding in Indiana appellate case law in the area of sport injuries. The case which the high court reviewed and vacated was Pfenning vs. Lineman 2011 WL 1885261. In Pfenning, a minor was struck in the mouth by a…
SSA Removes Diabetes Mellitus From Listings of Impairments
Effective June 7, 2011, the listings in the endocrine body systems, (Listings 9.02 through 9.08) dealing with diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders will be deleted. As a consequence, those diseases will no longer be considered a reason to award disability based upon the fact that a claimant may have diabetes…
Video Hearings
As many claimants know the time between filing a request for hearing and actually having a hearing very long. Sometimes the wait can be in excess of 2 years! In an effort to reduce this time delay, SSA has created the “video hearings”. These hearings are held through a video…