
Indiana Social Security Disability Attorney Blog


Expanded Disability Eligibility? New Diagnostic Manual Broadens the Definition of Many Mental Illnesses

The American Psychiatric Association’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorder” (DSM) is considered the “bible” among mental-health professionals. The purpose of the DSM is to provide a standard set of criteria on which to base diagnoses, so there is consistency across the country regarding mental-illness diagnoses. The manual also…


Social Security Administration Did Not Meet Its Goal for Quicker Hearing Decisions

The Social Security Administration recently issued its Summary of Performance & Financial Information Fiscal Year 2012. In that Summary, SSA wrote that its #1 Strategic Goal was to “Deliver Quality Disability Decisions and Services”. In order to reach that goal, SSA identified 3 strategic objectives: 1.) minimize the average wait…


Social Security Commissioner Announces New Compassionate Allowances Conditions

Less than a month ago, the Commissioner of Social Security announced the addition of 35 Compassionate Allowances conditions. I discussed the concept of the Commissioner’s Compassionate Allowances in my blog post on February 25, 2009 “Social Security Compassionate Allowances Means Quick Determinations in Some Cases”. At that time, there were…


ODAR Hearing Offices in Indiana Are Improving Processing Times

There are 165 hearing offices in the United States called ODAR [Office of Disability Adjudication and Review] hearing offices. The ODAR hearing offices are “were disability claimants appear before an independent judge (called an “Administrative Law Judge”) to appeal a denial by the Social Security Administration of an application for…

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