Call your insurance agent as soon as possible after an accident. Do not admit responsibility. Exchanging information and giving facts in not the same thing as admitting responsibility! you may think that you were responsible for the accident and later learn that the other driver caused it or that the…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Protect Yourself Before An Accident
Check with your auto insurance agent to make sure your insurance coverage is adequate (including uninsured and underinsured coverage). Buckle up! It’s the law. Speed kills! Slow down. Check brakes and lights to make sure they work correctly. When an accident happens, make sure you follow the requirements outlined in…
Accident Which Causes Injury or Death
When an accident results in injury or death, each driver involved must: 1. Immediately stop as close to the accident scene as possible without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. 2. Remain at the scene until: a) the driver has given his or her name and address and registration of…
Accident with an Unattended Vehicle
When an accident occurs with an unattended vehicle, the driver must: 1. Immediately stop as close to the accident scene as possible without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. 2. Locate and notify the owner or driver of the vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner…
Property Damage Other Than Vehicle
When an accident results in damage to something other than another vehicle, the driver must: 1. Immediately stop as close to the accident scene as possible without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. 2. Remain at the scene until: a) the driver has taken reasonable steps to locate and notify…
Vehicle Property Damage
When an accident does not result in injury or death, but does cause damage to a vehicle, each driver involved must: 1. Immediately stop as close to the accident scene as possible without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. 2. Remain at the scene until: a) each driver has exchanged…